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The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g, buildings, roads, and water systems) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

Condo Associations / Property Managers

Condo Assocations / Property ManagersCondominium associations and apartment managers often approach us to solve problems related to the complex as a whole, for example, deteriorating roads, damaged parking areas, and drainage and sewage issues.

Instead of giving our clients inflexible solutions, we provide innovative, cost-saving options. We ask questions like, How can we maximize the life of the existing roads while spreading out the cost of new roads over time? and How can we help our client solve this drainage problem and still save them money?

In addition to serving large condo associations and apartment complexes, we welcome smaller developments as well. From site inspections to the timely evaluation of parking areas, ETC is committed to helping smaller business find cost-effective answers to problems that can have a dramatic effect on the overall success or failure of their businesses.

We provide the following services for condo associations and property managers:


The Stonebridge condominium association came to us for help in assessing 12 miles of roads that needed repair. A typical response from other engineering firms might have been a recommendation to repair all the roads at a cost that was unmanageable for condo owners. After evaluating the roads, ETC engineers recommended a stepped approach that provided for immediate repair of problem spots and the repair of less crucial areas over time.

For more examples of how we solve problems, check out our Project Showcase.