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'We think creatively at the beginning of a project by taking into account all the restrictions and requirements and then provide options for how to make it all work. It's kind of like fitting together the pieces of a puzzle.'

—Ken Cousino,
ETC Founder

Permit and Grant Assistance

Permit and GrantsPrivate developments and public projects require permits from other municipal, county, state and federal agencies for the construction of improvements. ETC has extensive experience and excellent relationships with these agencies in the local areas, and can assist with a wide variety of projects to obtain the applicable permits to proceed with project development.

Municipal governments often have opportunities to secure assistance to upgrade and improve their public works infrastructure, such as water systems, sewer systems and roadways. ETC assists with the project identifications and eligibility, along with the necessary grant applications, project narratives, maps, cost estimates and conceptual designs. We have worked with communities that have been very successful in obtaining grant monies for public works infrastructure projects, and are available to work with your community to do the same.